What would be worth dying for?
Would I die for my faith? What about my family? Perhaps the freedoms that I enjoy and most days of the year take for granted?
I ask the question because today is Remembrance day, and on this day it does my soul good to ponder it.
No one likes to think about death, certainly not me; but if I can’t answer this question today then I am not really living the other 364 days of the year. More specifically if there is not something that I am willing to die for, then to what end am I living?
It is really as basic as that. Life boils down to these kind of questions that have no scientific answers. Yet an answer is still needed and until I find it I will not know lasting peace or security.
Thankfully I know the answer. I would be willing to die for my faith. I would be willing to die for my family. I would be willing to die for the freedoms I enjoy. And today, on Remembrance day I take a moment to think about the dedicated men and women of the Canadian Forces who discovered and are continuing to discover that some things are worth dying for.
To them I simply say thank you.
But I know that words are not enough. As the poet said:
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
So on this day I pledge to not break faith with those who have died fighting for my freedom. I also pledge to not treat with distain those hard won freedoms. And furthermore I pledge to not acquiesce to the demands of those who would seek to limit those freedoms in the name of political correctness.
Vive la Canada libre!
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